being adventurous,
being ethical,
being connected,
being unique
The Nursery is open for 48 weeks of the year from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
We close for Bank Holidays.
Places are available year round (48 weeks) or school term time.
Session Times
Morning session: 8:30am-1:00pm
Afternoon session: 1:00pm-4:00pm
School day: 8:30am-3:00pm
Long full day: 8:00 am-5:00pm
Short Full day: 8:30am-4:00pm
Early Bird: 8:00am-8:30am
Tea Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Before and after school and holiday care available at the hourly rate below
Babies and Toddlers (0 to 2 years)
£6.50 per hour
Toddlers (2 to 3 years)
£6.40 per hour
Nursery Children (3 years +)
£6.00 per hour
Meals are charged in addition at the following daily rates:
Breakfast 50p
Lunch £2.70
Tea £1.70
Snack is included in our hourly rate for fee paying children. Children who are accessing 3 & 4 year old funded hours will be charged £2 per session snack with the exception of those who qualify for the Early Years Pupil Premium. There is an option to provide packed lunch however children who stay until 5pm will be charged for tea.
In addition to the above, The Mill Nursery also has the following policies. If you would like to see hard copies of any of these please contact the nursery manager:
Here at The Mill Nursery we aim to treat all children equally, while respecting their individuality and supporting them to reach their full potential. We recognise that children learn at different rates and that learning is influenced by many varying factors. We are able to identify children’s individual needs through the observations we complete and tools we use to monitor progress such as the EYFS, Development Matters, ECAT (Every Child’s a Talker).
All children are allocated their own individual keyworker when they start at the setting. While the child’s care is carried out by all staff at the nursery, their individual learning is overseen by their keyworker. All care, medical, social, learning and wellbeing needs are catered for by our well trained and experienced staff team. Children’s learning and development is discussed between the child’s keyworker and parents on a termly basis. If additional needs are identified, the keyworker alongside the setting’s SENDCo will put in place targets on an SEN Support Plan. Any information received from additional supporting agencies will also feed into the child’s SSP. These targets will be carried out on a one to one basis, with either the nursery SENDCo or child’s keyworker. Targeted activities happen on a weekly basis and will be reviewed every 8 weeks. The IEP’s and reviews will be shared with the child’s parents/carer. Children’s views will be listened to and taken into account. As a setting we use STC to promote and encourage children to communicate and make their meaning’s understood.
The named SENDCo at The Mill Nursery is Joanne Fear, who is also the SENDCo for St Vigor & St John Church School. She has achieved the NASEN SENCo Award and has also attended Somerset Early Years SEND training and keeps up to date with regular continued professional development. As a setting we are able to access additional services in order to support children in our care with additional needs by referring them to the appropriate organisation, such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, vision support, portage workers, etc.
The Mill Nursery has open access floor space which is all on one level. Activities are provided which are at appropriate levels for the children accessing them and the children have free flow access to the outside space for the majority of the nursery day. The building is wheelchair accessible and has a disabled toilet facility. At The Mill Nursery we work closely with St Vigor and St John Church School which is on the same site as the setting. The children are able to use the school hall, playground, field and woodland area for planned group times and play activities in order to make the general school environment familiar to all of the children that use the setting. Alongside the child’s keyworker and their parents, children with SEND needs are supported by the SENDCo with the transition to their chosen primary school. Extra visits can be arranged and photo books can be made so the children can become familiar with the environment and can be confident with the transition. For further information about SEND please visit the Somerset Choices website at