being adventurous,
being ethical,
being connected,
being unique
Parents evening - don't forget to book! I can't wait to boast about your children!
In our writing sessions, we will be providing additional support to some children who may need help with letter formation and constructing sentences. We will emphasise the importance of 'holding' a sentence and encourage students to practice this skill at home as well. We will also work on combining sentences using conjunctions and including adjectives to make our writing more interesting and descriptive.
Look out for a 'writing' stay and share - we'd love for you to come and see our English lesson!
In math, we will focus on place value up to 50. Can your child identify the number of tens and ones in a two-digit number and arrange these numbers in order? We will also work on addition and subtraction, using numbers up to 10 to learn number bonds to 20. For students who are confident with this, we will introduce one-step word problems and practice recalling number facts.
In our phonics sessions, we will be revisiting Phase 3 and 4 to ensure that all children have a thorough understanding of these foundational phonics skills. The children will come home with previous phonics consolidation sheets to really hone in on fluency and writing the sentences . For those students who have already mastered these phases, we will provide opportunities for them to read with fluency and expression, as well as practice spelling and using reception and Year 1 tricky words confidently.
(see homework support section for guidance)