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St Vigor and St John Church School and The Mill Nursery

being adventurous,

being ethical,

being connected,

being unique


PSHE at St Vigor and St John is implemented using the JIGSAW programme which is a whole school approach. Progression in skills and knowledge in the subject is outlined in the PSHE progression grid. The curriculum for PSHE is delivered throughout the whole school starting with a shared assembly each half term to introduce new topics. The six topics covered are: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. Learning in each topic then takes place during weekly whole class Jigsaw lessons which explore the different themes. These themes are also embedded through all other lessons and the whole school day with everyone supporting and encouraging the children they interact with to use the skills they are developing and to make links to other areas of learning.

The aims of PSHE and Jigsaw within our school are to provide children with:

- accurate and relevant knowledge

- opportunities to create personal understanding

- opportunities to explore and challenge a range of values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities

- a range of skills and strategies to live a healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced life.


Our PSHE programme deals with the diverse beliefs, values and attitudes that individuals and societies hold. It helps pupils to develop themselves, their understanding of the world, and their ability to communicate their feelings. Children at STY Vigor and St John also acquire an understanding and experiences of British values that are necessary if they are to make sense of their experiences, value themselves, respect others, appreciate differences and feel confident and informed as a British citizen.
